Hello, During the winter I came back home from college and tried to start my car, my motor has over 200k on it and used to run strong. I tried starting it below a quarter tank the car started then died once it reached 1k. I thought that the fuel lines would be clogged from the tank but I believe I'm getting fuel. I removed my valve cover to see that my engine cranked over like it should and looked fine. But me and my friend noticed that the timing chain seems rather loose, loose enough to take my index finger and push up on the bottom of the chain which can touch the chain guard my best estimate is about a half inch of play. I was wondering if it was possible that my motor might have skipped a tooth and has messed up timing and wont fire, I am checking the spark as soon as I get my tools back from my buddy. If anyone has come across anything like this your help would be essential for me to work. Thank you- Zeek (Soon to be pics)