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Thread: high idle question

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2008-05-18 22:23:37
high idle question
Ok my car is idleing around 1500rpm, it idles at about 1100cold and 1500warm, i have the iacv screw all the way in and it doesnt change, im wondering if the when i pinch the hose for the AAC and the car dies, if the AAC is stuck open and not restricting like it should ? what do you guys/gals think

2008-05-18 22:42:55
Might want to check your timing also. If that is to retarted that will cause you to have a higher idle even with the screw all the way in. I take it this is on the 98 SE?
2008-05-18 22:52:43
this on my NX2k, the timing is almost dead on at 15 degrees
2008-05-18 22:53:15
Originally Posted by Sentrixx
Might want to check your timing also. If that is to retarted that will cause you to have a higher idle even with the screw all the way in. I take it this is on the 98 SE?

I thought it was the other way around, advanced timing raises the idle
2008-05-18 22:55:46
the tps is at .48 timing is almost dead on, no vaccum leaks that i can find, im thinking the AAC is just stuck open
2008-05-18 23:04:54
What ecu are you using?
2008-05-18 23:05:44
Originally Posted by jer_760
What ecu are you using?

it is a basic calum for 72lb and Z32 mafs
2008-05-18 23:27:48
Sending PM with picture
2008-05-18 23:34:48
Originally Posted by jer_760
I thought it was the other way around, advanced timing raises the idle

Well I know mine did it both retarded and advanced. That's how I found out my IACV went bad.
2008-05-19 00:09:54
pull the iacv apart and clean it
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