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Thread: Lucid was stolen!

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2013-02-12 18:32:54
i smell happy endings. Update: and u need to worry lol
2013-02-12 18:36:43
Any updates?
2013-02-14 06:14:18
Still posted, im calling the detective tomorrow for any updates on the house or the guy. It's been over a month you guys really think its parted out yet or being held? Because my brothers b14 got stolen for two months and got it back with a broken downpipe. Of course it was all factory but my fingers are crossed
2013-02-14 13:03:28
Don't exhaust all your time at this one place keep on checking other places. If you know this guy has other places to hide stuff check it out. Just because you told the detective you had a lead on where the car is it doesn't mean he's going to sstake out the place day and night. To him its just another car stolen. I hate to tell you this but its the sad truth. When my car was stolen it was in pieces in matter of 3 days. I got NOTHING back and the guys were caught.

Good luck finding the car I really hope you get it back.
2013-02-14 16:41:23
Yeah i know but he even told me he's been watching it from time to time. This isnt even his house so theres not many other places to watch
2013-02-14 16:54:37
Just called the detective

He says hes been going by there every single day and he hasn't even seen the titan pickup lately. Or any type of cars there. I also went by the other day and nothing. But he said things have been moving around out front so he keeps checking it out. He said next week he's going to have patrol start checking it out every night.
2013-02-14 17:27:50
Hope it works out bro
2013-02-14 17:52:43
Whatever happened to the mutual friend that could check out the garage? Tell him to take a camera and snap a pic.
2013-02-14 18:22:28
tht sucks D: hopefully u get it back soon
2013-02-14 18:25:57
The mutual friend wanted to go into the house and put them in check. I dont want things to get out of hands so i said its cool.
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