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Thread: Lucid was stolen!

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2013-01-23 18:01:31
Originally Posted by blurr.rt.by.you
Sorry dude that sucks. Might be someone you know, also if youve been to any "meets" someone there most likely stole your shit.

So true! Also, circle a few blocks around. The story, if found, usually ends with "the car was 2 blocks away." I'd walk or take a bike and go around the closest neighborhoods/alleys.
2013-01-23 19:38:52
Yeah we have literally been going everywhere. Got alot of people in on it helping too look around our valley. Its a real shame.
2013-01-23 19:40:36
Nah i stay away from those shady meets but however the guy i have a inkling that might have stole it he flips honda parts. He is always out there. The car had a clifford alarm and i broke the remote like two week prior so i think word got aroud that it broke and that scrub took it. We're still trying to put things together but right now were focused on him.
2013-01-23 19:49:44
hate to hear this.I have been there...it sucks more than most can imagine.
Hopefully your car wont end up stripped and set on fire mine was found.
2013-01-23 19:56:26
Yeah i hope its just a joyride. Whoever it is i bet their enjoying that fucking thing. And i was THIS close to putting the t28 kit on it soon :/
They found yours? What model and what was done to it? I just hope they dont know nissan.Had lots of rare parts and cosmetics fucking pricks
2013-01-23 21:12:27
Don't jump to conclusions but look everywhere.. Fuck whoever stole it!
2013-01-23 22:15:46
Dude, where do you live, we can't look out for it if we don't know
2013-01-23 22:31:01
Haveu checked the junk yard, local shops? Any meets? Any place where they lay down their cars on the road?
2013-01-23 23:07:34
2013-01-23 23:59:22
Is this near the OP?! Wow that's quick if it is!
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