Area of 2.75" ID pipe= 5.94 inches squared
Area of 3.5" ID pipe= 9.62 inches squared
Difference is 3.98 square inches
3.98/5.94 = 67% larger area
Say the 2.75" maf was good to 350whp
350 X .67 = 234
So the mafs hp capability is increased 234whp bringing the total to 584whp
Area of 3.5" ID pipe= 9.62 inches squared
Difference is 3.98 square inches
3.98/5.94 = 67% larger area
Say the 2.75" maf was good to 350whp
350 X .67 = 234
So the mafs hp capability is increased 234whp bringing the total to 584whp