I just added factory cruise control to my '91, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a little write up with the wiring diagram for someone adding it from scratch?
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Michael Carpenter
'02 Dodge Neon
'13 Subaru Impreza
Of course, the more information the better. I think there used to be a writeup for the same thing on SE-R.net, but I think that site is now officially dead
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Originally Posted by Ncook90 not going to lie. i half ass read the thread title and thought there was going to be a sr20-forum cruise on a ship. kinda got pumped
Join Date: 2009-01-27 Location: Vancouver Wa Posts: 1,169 Trader Score: 2 (100%)
i would love to add cruise control to my nx.....please do a write up sir!
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1991 NX2000 SR20DEEP PNW
"You have to wonder what kind of attention defecit disorder someone has to have to need a roller coaster at the fucking Nurburgring." Dave Coleman