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Thread: Fuel Economy Engine

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2008-05-01 02:03:47
Originally Posted by WingmanSR20
Yes, but what about specifics? You can get an engine tuned for anything, it's the whole "what needs to be tuned to what" that makes the real difference.

truebut in general i was talking about tuning ability to tune the air fue ratios to a more leaner state making it a little more efficent than a more rich or stoich state, at cruising, idle and WOT
2008-05-01 02:13:45
Originally Posted by GT2871RBLUBIRD
truebut in general i was talking about tuning ability to tune the air fue ratios to a more leaner state making it a little more efficent than a more rich or stoich state, at cruising, idle and WOT

Indeed, a good thing to remember.
2008-05-01 22:02:03
This reminds me of my plans for my Civic.

I'm going to be running an LS motor... 1.8 which I think will work against me, but it has a very long transmission... and I will be turbocharging it. I'm trying to think of ways that I can tune it to be extremely efficient, while still being powerful because of the... well... boostage.
2008-05-02 01:08:31
im my opinion i dont feel that boost has anything to do wih bad MPG, as tuning the car to have efficent air fuel ratios at idle/cruising/WOT, there are plenty of cars that are tuned very efficently and th have great MPG, i ave known some pp with high output hondas to have GREAT mpg, my nissan has great MPG, its just tuned very good which makes its MPG efficent.

its where you get into haf ass ecu o half ass air fuel tuning that you get bad MPG, or ifyou get into having really rich idle, or rich WOT air fuel ratios then its going to comletely kill your MPG.

also for note some cams do equire you to hae a more stoich or richer air fuel ratio at idle to sustain a smooth idle,so sometimes you dont have ALT of a choice of the idle air fuel ratios

but TUNING IS KEY PERIOD, anyone who knows, knows that
2008-05-02 01:44:58
Originally Posted by Taiden
This reminds me of my plans for my Civic.

I'm going to be running an LS motor... 1.8 which I think will work against me, but it has a very long transmission... and I will be turbocharging it. I'm trying to think of ways that I can tune it to be extremely efficient, while still being powerful because of the... well... boostage.

I think the best answer to that is the same thing honda did when they came up with V-TEC or whoever the first company was to do it, I don't know.

Anyway, when you are in normal driving conditions, under WOT or a certain RPM, just have the tune set to a very fuel efficient setting. Once you go past a certain point and boost starts to kick in then change the tune over to performance. Then you'd get the best of both worlds, stay out of the boost range for economy!
2008-05-02 09:43:49
Originally Posted by Danja
I think the best answer to that is the same thing honda did when they came up with V-TEC or whoever the first company was to do it, I don't know.

Anyway, when you are in normal driving conditions, under WOT or a certain RPM, just have the tune set to a very fuel efficient setting. Once you go past a certain point and boost starts to kick in then change the tune over to performance. Then you'd get the best of both worlds, stay out of the boost range for economy!

most definitly but i see alot of people who use SAFC or othe types of fuel piggy backs and they have relly rich air fuel ratios at WOT, and just becuase its WOT doesnt mean that gas mileage is going to be bad, there are big differences in having WOT numbers in the 10 and then having the numbers tuned in the high 11's or the optmum 12:1, most of the times i think people who use safc or cu piggy bakcs keep their air fuel ratios in a mor rich state beucse they are afraid of blowing up thier motor, butyou gotta get it on a dyno, tune the air fuel ratios with your or te shops wideband, and get those numbers in a decent ratio state.

its such a misconceptin that boost is bad on gas mileage, and its people who dont tune turbo engnes, or do poor tuning, or use poor programing or piggybacks that claim bad gas mileage then EVRYONE thinks oost is bad on gas.
2008-05-02 12:25:48
Just to add to my knowledge, could someone answer the question on shaving the block and/or head? How much can you go and where?
2008-05-02 16:38:43
Originally Posted by Danja
I think the best answer to that is the same thing honda did when they came up with V-TEC or whoever the first company was to do it, I don't know.

Anyway, when you are in normal driving conditions, under WOT or a certain RPM, just have the tune set to a very fuel efficient setting. Once you go past a certain point and boost starts to kick in then change the tune over to performance. Then you'd get the best of both worlds, stay out of the boost range for economy!

Well I figure this could be achieved just through tuning cells in the ECU map... nothing fancy there, just the nature of EFI.

I know ppl say to tune a turbo motor rich; specifically for WOT... which makes sense. But do you have to tune light-throttle richer than an NA car, or can you lean it the eff out on light load?

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