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Thread: oil smells like gas?

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2012-08-14 19:03:46
oil smells like gas?
I recently bought a nx2000 and have been running it through the paces getting it back to its true form. Because it was running pretty poorly when i purchased it, so far i have done them following;

Maf regrounded
Adjusted idle screw on iacv
Advanced timing
Cleaned maf sensor
Cleaned throttle body
Changed oil
Ran a full tank of new gas with chemtool fuel clean additive

Its running better but the oil kinda smells like gasoline, could this be from blow by in the.cylinders or is this a sign of a larger problem?
2012-08-14 19:15:11
Look at the spark plugs, 90% of the time they will tell you everything.
2012-08-14 19:28:29
on top of whats already been said, it might of been flooded out.

But if the sparks dont tell you much, you can do a compression test.
2012-08-15 01:37:39
Plugs are pretty old, orange color to them but not replacing until all the fuel additive has ran through.
2012-08-15 04:25:24
Could be Injector leak, Check your injector o-rings..
2012-08-15 08:45:40

Both of my SR20's smelled like gas in the oil
2012-08-15 09:09:14
Mine does 2 but my be dosent
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