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Thread: Secondary Header Gasket

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2012-07-31 17:04:24
Secondary Header Gasket
I have a Gen. 5 Hotshot header (2 inch collector) on my b-13/sr20 and the gasket between the primary and secondary has blown out. Where can I find a good quality replacement gasket in the proper diameter?
2012-07-31 17:17:13
I think Greg at G Spec carries the good ones to replace these.

2012-07-31 17:21:54
I bought a Subaru gasket and just had to trim the outside to fit and drill new holes. The ID was fine which is where it seals anyway. Not sure on what exact model but there was a post somewhere on it.
2012-07-31 18:02:01

I think this is the suburu one:
Subaru OEM Exhaust Manifold Gasket (Turbo) Subaru 14038AA000 | Buy Online from LIC Motorsports
2012-07-31 18:57:24
Make sure you get a copper "blow out proof" type if you can.

2012-07-31 18:58:24
SCE Gaskets 9400 - SCE Pro Copper Collector Gaskets - Overview - SummitRacing.com

This one looks good if it fits!

2012-07-31 19:09:20
I don't think the interior diameters of my Hotshot secondaries are that large though
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