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Thread: GL-4 75w-90 Synthetic question

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2012-07-27 03:07:46
Down in the south, the only thing you can get locally at your standard retail store is CRC Sta Lube 85W90 GL-4. Seems to work fine in both my Nissans.
2012-07-27 03:30:57
I was using MT90 but after the replacement trans dumped fresh oil I used Mobil 1 75w-140w. Not many miles on it and then the car is down again but not due to the tranny.
2012-07-27 04:18:50
Why is GL-4 so hard to find? Lucky for me the Carquest down the street from me ordered some when I needed it. I read that AMSOIL is good too. I just stick to MT-90 because it's what I used when I had my Z32.
2012-07-29 00:37:43
I was using GL-5 synthetic which is supposed to supersed GL-4 and I don't know if I was imagining things but I smelled something burning the whole time it was in......Drained it the burning smell went away. I'd be careful with that shit.
Last edited by Topdog781 on 2012-07-29 at 00-38-16.
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