ive done alot of interiors, at first I:
Painted,(horrible idea, if you do it with the dash in, the car smells like spray paint for awhile no matter what you do. also chips & cracks. Almost need to sand down the pieces to get really deep so the paint will adhere.
Dyed, , not to bad, dectent durability, but messy & best to do if the pieces is loose (like your situation).
Only problem i had with dye was the smell (almost like shoe polish) lingered a good while. & if its i high "traffic" area it does wear down a bit & smear on things (unless cured in the perfect recomended conditions for like double the "handling" time listed on the can
but hands down the best way thats the most durable, is toL
recover,(vinyl stretches VERY well with heat,as does leather) & is pretty easy for a DIY weekend
or the new thing the cool kids are doing:
Flock, This is the type of material in nice jewlery boxes. (or old school GI Joe's that had hair. They even use flock on fishing pole handles.
this A & C pillars for a p10
A pillar up close:

Apillar far a way (its hard to get a good pic):
C Pillar far:

closets i got: