Can you please make it so I can post more than 4 pics in a thread? I just transferred my B13 and S13 manual seat belt swap write ups but they each have more then 4 pics. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by paNX2K&SE-R Can you please make it so I can post more than 4 pics in a thread? I just transferred my B13 and S13 manual seat belt swap write ups but they each have more then 4 pics. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Crim done and done. Thanks for your patience guys... I've sorta been doing all the setup on-the-fly. Any other suggestions, please post or PM me.
The 30-second wait to make another post isn't very nice either. And for some reason, when you hit the Post Quick Reply button, the page doesn't refresh back to the thread with the post that was just made. Instead, it just leads you to a blank page. I checked to see if I had the same problem elsewhere, but it looks like it only happens when I post here.
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