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Thread: How to install a Clutch and pedal (Auto to Manual)b13

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2008-04-19 13:30:37
How to install a Clutch and pedal (Auto to Manual)b13
I searched around and Found no info about how to do, so I thought this thread will be best to show how to do that though I am doing a project on B13 GA16 to SR20, Auto to Manual,
Often to find parts to change auto to Manual is at Junkyard by best choice.
If anyone has the info of how to install clutch pedal and etc. Please post here. I am stuck on trying to install clutch pedal on the firewall. Thanks
2008-04-19 18:19:01
I haven't done this buy I'm 90% sure you just have to drill a new hole for it.
2008-04-19 18:28:51
pm 2dr_sentra. He's done the AT-MT swap.
2008-04-19 18:59:27
I just did one one a B14, it might help you a little. I would think the basics are the same just the details might be a bit different.
Drill out the studs on the pedal bracket.

Bolt the pedal into the car.

Use a punch or screw driver to mark you holes.

Drill them out.

I traced the little gasket on a piece of paper to use as a template. I put a light in the engine bay to line up the holes then taped the template in place.

Then i used some new bolts, washers, and nuts to create the spacers that were on the firewall in the manual car.

Then just bolt everything in. I had to shim my spacers to get everything to line up but it went pretty good. I just got the pedal installed today with no issues.
2008-04-21 16:01:29
Ok cool I will pm him and check the firewall to figure it out.
2008-04-22 01:25:29
So far I am doing ok, but got an issue, holes been already drilled due to assumed that it was no problem from my dad, and here are some pics.

and the top hole (not at the firewall) it is too far away Since it is B13, might need some modify it.

It is not lining up straight due to that top mount. Too far from the firewall.
2008-04-22 07:18:56
hopefully you dont end up like me
i drilled the holes way off, and ended up doing it like 8 times
firewall looks like swiss cheese hahah

i ended up using another peice of metal on the outside to bolt it to
2008-04-22 11:13:48
Do you have a B13 clutch pedal? If you do not i would find the right pedal. This is one reason i drilled out the OEM studs. Cut off and drill out the studs on the pedal, then bolt the pedal into the car on that top hole, then mark and drill the holes.
2008-04-22 14:55:04
Yes I got an B13 clutch pedal off an busted b13. I will drill out the Stud and see if it line up better.
2008-04-22 16:03:03
I never took my dash out, so mine was a pain in the ass.
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