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Thread: One of my favorite SR columns...

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2012-05-04 04:09:31
One of my favorite SR columns...
Just thought I'd share for those who are unfamiliar...

Project Racer
2012-05-04 04:19:16
I was just reading one of the articles. Good read.
2012-05-04 16:31:29
well that killed like an hour I should have been studying for my final lol
2012-05-04 18:10:33
A lot of good info.
2012-05-04 19:30:19
god shes hot... or maybe its just her working on the car.... idk. a lot of good info also.
2012-05-04 21:13:26
Both man.

She is what I'd call an Asian persuasion.
2012-05-04 21:40:01
Originally Posted by P10FTW
Both man.

She is what I'd call an Asian persuasion.

well put. i love the look of that nx too.
2012-05-05 05:32:45
I belive she is married to a member on here and the old forum . Dont recall his user name .

I love thier tech and build section its no BS . Just poeples actual proven work and build not some one sitting behind a keyboard making assumtions storries .
2012-05-05 05:59:03
Yup, they are pretty damn accurate too. MotoIQ is definitely one of the best Mags out there.
2012-05-05 08:20:24
^ Amen. MotoIq is the closest I can get to Sport Compact Car. Well actually it's hard to say which one is better. Some of the writers from SCC write for MotoIq, so it's hard to compare. Every bit of info (no matter how technical it is) in the magazines are gold.
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