Originally Posted by
ashtonsser No writeup but its not all that hard, remove the drive belts, remove crossmember and exhaust, remove both upper and lower oil pans, remove pickup tube, remove pulley, remove passenger side motor mount and bracket, remove all bolts to the front cover and take it off.
I would say this instead.
Remove the drive belts, remove lower oil pan and baffle, remove pickup tube, remove crank and water pump pulley, remove passenger side motor mount and bracket, remove all bolts to the front cover and take it off.
No? Way less work... I would do whatever I could to not have to fuck with the crossmember, exhaust, and upper oil pan... Just get that pick-up tube off with some dexterity and the right tools.
If there are any bolts holding the oil pump to the upper oil pan I'm forgetting, you could undo those but still keep the upper oil pan in place.