We just scrapped a 98 Mitsubishi Eclipse that had the Chrysler engine in the bay, in order for Mitsu. to import into the US.
Chrysler was going t*t's up way back when, so the US negotiated with Mitsubishi, to build a few low quality drive-trains.
These gems look the same on the out-side, but have The dud Chrysler 2.0 Engine; on board.
The engine we owned, (which was blown, even though serviced every 3000 miles by the factory or a professional place we trust, this year), had a designed flaw in the cooling jacket that allowed the #3 cylinder to overheat,
According to the web; the factory at Chrysler was "known" to occasionally align the rings, in the 3# cylinder, with the gaps all-lined-up, directly off the assembly line, so they would cause engine failure, shortly after warranty. (As per a technical sight where the engines were dismantled right off the showroom floor, for burning oil from day #1). It's all on-line when you Google "Mitsubishi + engine + failure", and the specific Chrysler block codes, we used to own).
As of my former post:
During the Japanese Auto Show, last August or September; Nissan is buying the new diesel engines from National Truck Engines, and will be the first offering of diesel in the US market by Nissan. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out, too.
In case you haven't noticed, MOST US dealers have all stopped offering factory warranty, unless you BUY it EXTRA, now. (GE is happy to offer 3 years, for $1200.00, or about what it costs for one A/C blow-out, and a set of blower controls / door handles / C/V joints). You can bet they cost very little and sell for fifty times what they are worth, new.
Cheap sintered bushings, in everything from fan-bearings, door-latches, brittle plastic vacuum components, short mean-time-between-failure controls, sub-standard wiring and brittle cup-holders; are deluging the market.
Some companies, (maybe all of them, as of the market crunch), are designing cars that break easy and often, without offering a standard 50K mile drive-train and bumper to bumper warrantee; because they know people caught up in the rat race and in debt will have no choice but to buy another new one, rather than repairing them, (even if they have the warrantee).
...Or customers, who may be "over sold" on previous "quality branding", will skip the warranty, only to be berried alive in repair bills, before the payments are completed, for the loan. More debt for the masses.
This methodology will cause repair back-ups, at ALL DEALER service-centers, worse than it is now. (Hopefully they will offer a nice egg sandwich, or berger off the roach-coach, while you wait all day). (--no pun intended coach).
The dealer's association and mnfgr's, have a plan for "the repair-control issue" too; and it just might work. (Not good for the consumer, naturally; although there will be some dope who'll argue differently).
The quality is being reduced, in order to force repairs and drive demand, precisely at dealer-level, and pump cash into their pockets, increasing flow exponentially.
They get what amounts to a kick-back, for selling the GE warranty, as well as drive cheap break-able parts; to keep you coming back often.
Last week, (while in Jamaica), got to speak with the director of the Canadian Automotive Parts Association. He directs imports / exports through Canada, into to the US,... AND ships back across the Atlantic, to Europe, for almost all the Asian major manufacturers and after-market parts makers. He's the hub, in Ontario.
He suggested he then diverts nearly everything by rail or freight to the USA, from both directions. (This gentleman said he invented the Mag-Lev and offered it to Bombardier, so I assume he's no joke).
He explained to me: "The dealers are going to make us choose full coverage expensive warranties, which MANDATE the owner of the car to:
"ONLY allow the name-brand manufacturer for ECU REPAIR work on the car; or it voids the warrantee"--end quote. No debate.
One of the more ridiculous "regulations" he dis-agrees with; states the dealers are MANDATING customer loyalty, after the sale.
He said; "If you buy a NEW car and the warranty, and your computer fails or needs repair; and you allow anyone else, except "the point of origin dealer", to replace or re-tune the ECU or ANY of the sensors, --you void your warrantee; as per "The Right To Repair" clause, in all the new drive-train / computer control warranties.
It seems the dealers want to "own you", for the life of the warranty.
This gentleman was especially upset, because all his secondary suppliers are now unable to manufacture any after-market computers or supply small parts stores and mom & Pop repair shops, without the right to authorize replacement part repairs.
This policy may destroy his long-term programs and cause a bunch of very upset manufacturers / suppliers; not to mention the consumer.
(Imagine having to work the parts phone at any auto repair shop or parts supplier, and say: "dealer part"; ...all day long). :o
Could be Dealer / ECU manufacturers, won't sell you an ECU, no matter who you are, (or if they do, they will break often). If the junk yards join in, (say they decide to buy them ALL back and we cannot obtain them); then there's no other choice. (Until we figure out a work-around).
It sounds like they are going to piss a bunch of small shops off, permanently or put them out of business and create a black market for ECU's, (or buy an AEM / APexi / HKS / etc.).
As we all know, the methods to interpret timely repair of control-by-wire systems; would be nearly impossible to asses in a cost effective manner, without access to the computer.
I suppose Dealers will detect if the board has been read, and throw you out of the shop; with a cold slap-in-the-warranty; when they find out you have tampered with the OBDII. It'd be one thing if it was just one company, but he sounded grim, (-no relation)
This gentleman said he is quitting after 25 years, not because he doesn't like to work or wants to retire today; he is sick of the lack of quality and piss-poor ethics the engineers are forced to call a car, or a good part. The association is becoming malfeasant, according to him. Customer satisfaction is at an all-time-low, because the machine tolerances allowed in small developing manufacturing nations, is much less than previous times.
They handle much too much returned sub-standard or defective products, as it is.
This practice -may double the volume; at the consumer's expense.
Third world engineers are using a PTFE synthetic lubricants, instead of close-tolerance-machining, and when "it" wears out, "it's" junk. (Look closely at the so-called dirt-bikes in Aouto Zooone).
The only mid-range manufacturers, offering a standard warrantee in 08; is Volvo, BMW and Jaguar. (Guess the poor folks like us, are left out of the "good stuff", which works as expected without repeated failure).
I hope you all find the ca$h for guaranteed quality...
Now; back to why we are building 16 year old cars...