B14 Transmission
I bought a B14 transmission to put in my B13 project. Thinking this would be the better of the 2 transmissions (B13 or B14). Well to check everything out (the trans is from a salvage yard off of a 200SX SE-R) I opened the gear case.
First thing, it was good I did open the case. Obviously someone opened it before and broke a piece off one of the shifting forks and left it in the case.
Now I also pulled up a bit on the 5th gear fork and there is about 1/8"-1/4" of play.
Questions is, should I go ahead and put a 5th gear pop out kit in or atleast a new fork? Everything else looks pretty brand new.
One more thing to point out I have someone that is wants to sell me a brand new V-Spec trans for 1K (thats right brand new 0 mi still in the nissan box). So more then likely I will at some point put that trans in.
I bought a B14 transmission to put in my B13 project. Thinking this would be the better of the 2 transmissions (B13 or B14). Well to check everything out (the trans is from a salvage yard off of a 200SX SE-R) I opened the gear case.
First thing, it was good I did open the case. Obviously someone opened it before and broke a piece off one of the shifting forks and left it in the case.
Now I also pulled up a bit on the 5th gear fork and there is about 1/8"-1/4" of play.
Questions is, should I go ahead and put a 5th gear pop out kit in or atleast a new fork? Everything else looks pretty brand new.
One more thing to point out I have someone that is wants to sell me a brand new V-Spec trans for 1K (thats right brand new 0 mi still in the nissan box). So more then likely I will at some point put that trans in.