No, no need for the PHDM board. The USDM board can be modified by simply removing one resistor and placing a lower value resistor in the spot right next to it, then of course the two wires going to a volume control. What I do need to figure out is a stalk to match. I have a few ideas, now I just need time to get to the junk yard, then testing.
What now makes it easy is that everything is installed in the car. All I have to do is pop the volume control out of the dash, unhook the wire to it and jump in the stalk of my choice. Once I find a stalk that is compatible I have to figure out how to mount it into the switch body.
The pisser is that I had the board modified properly at my first attempt, but because the stalks wouldn't work I assumed the board was still wrong.

And you are correct Sir, I would have gotten this far without your help. Props to you my friend!

Happy I did...