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Thread: B13 variable intermittent wiper mod? YES!

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2012-04-06 13:13:38
but wait. the resistor wont have a reading if the board is unplug right?
2012-04-06 13:40:00
Sure it will. Resistance needs to be measured when there isn't power to a device. The meter sends a small voltage through the test leads in order to measure resistance.

2012-04-06 15:06:02
I put a 10k in place of the 36k in position R1. Fixed delay went from 7 seconds to 2 seconds, but variable function still not working....
2012-04-06 21:19:24
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
ok. i will let you know when i arrive home early...

If you don't mind I'd like to know the values of R4, R8 and R9 at the other end of the board, please. I'm stumped for the moment.

What would also be helpful is a good, clear pic of the connector side (back) of the board without that clear plastic cover.
Last edited by SE-RMonkey on 2012-04-06 at 22-06-07.
2012-04-07 00:44:14
This thread is what I love about this forum.
Thanks for publicly sharing this process,instead of going to PM.
I am really interested in the outcome.
2012-04-07 06:31:59
Sure thing I am helping not only SE-RMonkey but the whole community.

@SE-RMonkey sure i will, im kinda busy lately...
2012-04-07 11:19:25
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
... @SE-RMonkey sure i will, im kinda busy lately...

No worries, take your time. I realize I'm asking a lot of you and I do not want to wear out my welcome. Thanks!
2012-04-07 11:30:50
Originally Posted by eggman
This thread is what I love about this forum.
Thanks for publicly sharing this process,instead of going to PM.
I am really interested in the outcome.

Sharing information is what a forum like this is all about. Once I get this sorted out I'll put together a "how to" with pics, a parts list, instructions, etc.

At VERY LEAST we've learned that this is available and that we can simply buy the variable switch from the Philippines!
2012-04-17 18:15:32
Well, we're on hold here for a bit. Datsun_Sky has been busy, but he will be following up with a pic and further info when he get's a chance.

I took a look at the EDM switch and had an idea. While the EDM switch should be plug and play we'd have the unused rear wiper control on the stalk. Either ignore it, or if you're weird about things like that as I am, swap the Maxima stalk onto it.

That said, MOJO what do you need from me so that I can get my hands on an EDM wiper switch?
2012-04-18 08:37:42
Originally Posted by SE-RMonkey
That said, MOJO what do you need from me so that I can get my hands on an EDM wiper switch?

Money :P

No, but seriously, I've got 2 left in my storage (sold 3 already ). Price can be found in my topic, click "B13" in my sig
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