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Thread: B13 variable intermittent wiper mod? YES!

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2012-04-05 18:59:04

At first glance it appears just about identical to the USDM board with the exception of the resistor I have circled....

From the outter edge of the board moving in towards the black relay box the color rings appear to be red, blue, orange and gold. Can you confirm those colors in that order?

The resistor in the USDM board was just to the right of that one, but I moved it to that spot. The resistor on the USDM board has color rings of orange, blue, orange, gold meaning it is slightly different. (USDM resistor = 36k ohms, PHDM resistor = 26k ohms)

I may need to ask for pics of the components on the other side of that black relay. I think all we need to do is move/change a couple resistors and it'll work. Once I get home I'll compare the boards and the resistors I can see.....
Last edited by SE-RMonkey on 2012-04-05 at 19-28-59.
2012-04-05 20:00:12
Yes you are correct, that resistor has the color of red, blue, orange and gold.

what do you mean back of the relay? the other side of the resistor or the back of the board itself?
2012-04-05 20:18:47
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
Yes you are correct, that resistor has the color of red, blue, orange and gold.

what do you mean back of the relay? the other side of the resistor or the back of the board itself?

Once I get home and compare my board with your pics I'll let you know what I'd like to see, that way we can knock out all the pics at one shot.

We're so close I can smell it! Thanks for all your help on this.
2012-04-05 20:35:01
Anytime bud, as long as I can... lol
2012-04-05 21:42:58
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
Anytime bud, as long as I can... lol

The USDM board looks identical, even the same "NILES 145701" designation. I'm convinced that the difference(s) is in the value of the resistors.

Can you tell me the colors on R3, R5, R6 and R2? Doesn't matter which end of the resistor you start on, just as long as you call the colors out in order from one end to the other. A pic in the area of those would be helpful too.


Last edited by SE-RMonkey on 2012-04-06 at 02-41-04.
2012-04-06 08:11:07
R2 red red yellow gold
R3 gold orange red red
R5 violet green orange gold
R6 red black red gold
2012-04-06 11:35:36
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
R2 red red yellow gold
R3 gold orange red red
R5 violet green orange gold
R6 red black red gold

R2 red red yellow gold = 220k
R3 gold orange red red = 22k
R5 violet green orange gold = 75k
R6 red black red gold = 2k

Thanks man, I'm going to compare these to the USDM board and hit Radio Shack today. I have the switch working, but no variable delay, it still runs at 7 seconds fixed no matter where the volume knob is. Although, when I unhook the wires to the volume knob the delay is disabled, so the delay function is running through the knob, now the proper resistors are needed to let it "swing". (I think.)

This may happen today....
2012-04-06 12:17:59
actually, im having hard time looking at this resistor. its so small that its hard to determine the color. im gonna use multimeter device and see whats reading in ohm. do you think that will helps?
2012-04-06 12:25:56
Originally Posted by datsun_sky
actually, im having hard time looking at this resistor. its so small that its hard to determine the color. im gonna use multimeter device and see whats reading in ohm. do you think that will helps?

If it's not to much trouble, yes please. I'm a little confused by the results as compared to the USDM resistors. My R2 looks like violet, violet, yellow, gold.

I used a magnifying glass and a super bright LED flashlight to look at the resistors. The local Radio Shack has a 500 pack of resistors in stock!

Thanks again....
2012-04-06 12:38:21
ok. i will let you know when i arrive home early...
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