well apparently #1 is working fine now it makes a difference when unplugged. Not sure what fixed it but not complaining. Still however have the sputtering and idle problem.
I did a couple tests from the FSM with a multimeter like:
Throttle sensor = okay on each test
pulled distributor and checked each injector clicked as the shaft was turned
Mass air flow sensor is good.
the only thing that threw me a little bit was testing the crank angle sensor FSM said to measure connections a and d. connection d did just like the FSM said fluctuate between 0v and 5v, how ever I couldn't get a to read anything
Anything else to check while I have the multimeter?
I also sprayed around carb cleaner to try to find vacuum leaks but nothing was found. (I might need to get under the car to get the AAV and those hoses)
One thing I was going to ask also that does concern me is while the car is running I can unplug this pictured connector and it makes no change to the car running. It looks like to goes to a few sensor like the IACV and a couple others. Its the small two pin connector by injector #1 pictured below. Isn't it suppose to change something when unplugged?