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Thread: Bolts to use on engine stand?

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2008-04-08 16:32:59
As an aside...

Does anyone have a particular solvent they prefer to use, to clean up the motor? I wanna make it all nice and pretty, before I start putting it back together. Any brushes that you find aren't too abraisive? Anything I should do to protect the internal pieces like the cylinder walls and piston heads? Anything I SHOULDN'T attempt to clean too well?

Thanks again guys.
2008-04-08 17:11:31
It's hard to find a good hole to use on the starter side. To distribute the load as evenly as possible, I used one thinner bolt in the oil pan and put a nut over the end (it wasn't a threaded hole):

2008-04-08 18:20:36
i like the gunk foamy engine brite. i use it on my engine bay, and it even made an old grimy transmission look new again. i spray it on, let it stand for a few minutes, then use a tooth brush (any brush will do though) and scrub. i then rinse and repeat as neccesary. i'm not sure what you will need to cover though. if it's a bare block, you might as well remove the freeze plugs and oil galley plugs and have a machine shop tank it for you. i think the shop i am using quoted me $45 or so to do it.
2008-04-08 18:25:58
I'd like to tank it, but it's not a bare block. It's got all the goodies in it already.

Thanks for the pic, Swiss. Looks hawt
2008-04-08 23:58:10
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
That's a GREAT idea! Thanks!

I was wondering how I was going to put the shortblock on the stand, if I have to have a way to hold it in place (no cherry picker yet), while mounting it to the hub on the engine stand.

Now, I can just pull the hub from the stand, mount it to the motor, and then have a friend help me lift it onto the engine stand itself.


No problem happy to share. Even the blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn.

I usually use some gunk engine brite and then a little carb cleaner. Wire brushes and a flathead screwdriver for really stubborn baked on stuff. To me as long as its pretty clean its good.
2008-04-10 02:35:54
tekkie. go buy some gum cutter 2+2. use it on the metal. be careful because it will take paint off and can discolor rubber and plastic. however it will remove EVERY AND ANY GRIME you spray it on. if you need to use a small wire brush once you spray it to loosen the dirt up then spray again.

gum cutter is CRAZY. it will also wage world war III on that crap in intake mani's.
2008-04-10 05:51:03
where do they sell gum cutter 2+2. Sounds like a hardcore product.

You can also do a diy engine storage stand. I'm thinking of doing this, but have the engine at a higher level. So I wont be kneeling down cleaning the motor.

This was made my P@t (yahnozha). the how to thread can be found on g20.net sponsor how to section.
2008-04-10 12:09:58
^^ pics no workie.

Thanks Pete on the Gum Cutter stuff. I'll look around for it.
2008-04-10 16:47:57
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
^^ pics no workie.

Thanks Pete on the Gum Cutter stuff. I'll look around for it.

G20.Net is not working today. the forum is down. Could napa have gum cutter cleaner?
2008-04-10 22:58:13
Gnet is back up, but pics not working. oh well i have em in my photobucket. here ya go.

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