Now I just gotta figure out:
How this motor idles, Im guessing its the wastegate thingy that was mounted on mine maybe.
No AICV in sight
If my USDM TPS will bolt up
How or what the easiest way to get the injectors running is (I was reading and it seems like resistors will work. But is there an easier way)
If the RR crank pulley and the DE one are the same diameter or if Im gonna have to search for new belts again
if the usdm throttle body will bolt up (I wont need to do this if the USDM TPS works with the JDM manifold)
Ive taken off all the EGR crap already so I have alot of space now. The Water lines for the Throttle Body
and EGR stuff will be looped or pluged. Heater lines dont look to bad or i could just loop them. Car has no power steering so no Issues with any of that.