Yeah your right but dont look at it to hard
I might think you want to do something with it.
The QR is a pc of crap go ask any Nissan Mech or service writer. Oh dont because he will say its the best engine out there to line his pockets.
I have had countless of people sell these cars because of motor swap issues.
I had good friends who bought them and could not pass the 60,000 mile warranty.
I spoke to 3 of my friends that have been Nissan Mechs for over 35 years and I have asked them what is the worst engine that Nissan has produced and they said the QR.
Now the QR25 from the B16 is alot better but it still is nothing to right home about. What has this motor acomplished, besides leaving people on the side of the road, emptying peoples pockets and buring oil poluting our air.