The main reason I was a contributor was for the picture hosting. Are we going to have a gallery here? If not, then suggestions for the old guy would be welcomed.
Join Date: 2007-12-13 Location: Near the rock east of Atlanta Posts: 96 Trader Score: 0 (0%)
Hi guys - maybe we can arrange with my kid up in Richmond to host - he runs a wireless ISP up there and has a car pic site somewhere on the terrabytes of space he's got. It's where I keep my stuff.
We will have a picture hosting section setup, its only a matter of time. I know my current host for the forum would crumble under the weight of serving picture galleries for all the members. I'm working to get us transfered over to my dedicated hosting solution, and then I will start looking into getting something setup (be it thru Jerry or otherwise)
I use photobucket on top of my website, I love how it includes the image tags on the ends, it makes it oh so much easier for me to whore out my pictures.
Also, if you pay for the premium account, you are able to use FTP to upload your pictures, as well as not having to worry about them editing down your picture sizes at will. (Not reeeally a problem.)