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Thread: Tips on painting?

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2008-03-30 20:28:05
Tips on painting?
I am going to paint the engine bay since the motor is out and want to do it anyway. I have never painted anything before besides a rattle can job. Is there anything you guys recommend doing or dont doing?

I want to media blast the bay first then paint so i can get into to those hard to reach areas. I am not sure what effect that will have on the caulk that is on all of the seams. Do i not want to sand blast and just sand it with 180? There is minor rust spots that i want to get rid of but other than that it is in great shape, its just uneven and ugly.

Here are the pics of how it sits right now. I plan on masking the rest off and shooting around it.

2008-03-30 21:06:11
I just took everything out, tapped up the bolt holes, sanded down the rust under the battery tray. Then I got some truck bed liner and sprayed the engine bay. Came out good IMO.
2008-03-31 01:10:21
i STRONGLY suggest the use of a good primer. i used aircraft grade zinc chromate self-etching primer from aircraftspruce.com. it's only like 7 dollars per can and you could most likely prime the entire bay with 2-3 cans. THIS STUFF WORKS WONDERS. paint sticks like no other to this stuff. i have used it on multiple cars (roll cages, interior metal, etc) and it is awesome. well worth the money. and take your time on surface prep and taping just like crim said. then your bay will look sick. best of luck! take lots of pics!
2008-03-31 01:18:30
sand blasting would be a good idea if your smart about it.

i just found out the engine block i got a few days ago is completely polished so i am going to need a damn sexy engine bay for a shiny engine block
2008-03-31 02:45:33
I bought glass beads so it should not be as harsh as sand is. I will also try a lower pressure since i do not have to bust up any deep rust. I will look into that primer, i will go to the local Auto Body Supply Shop and see what they say as well. They have Dupont and Sikkens paints and they will mix it for me so i can really mess that part up.
I thing THIS is the primer you are talking about? Is it compatable with non arosol paint? It says it will work on epoxy, enamel, and lacquer paints, i will discuss this with the paint guy and see what he thinks.

Thanks for the tips, i have a couple weeks until i will be able to do this and it will be warm enough to do it as well. I will figure out the details this next week and come to a conclusion on what will work the best.
2008-03-31 07:08:50
i used the zinc chromate primer. it's a green color. made by tempo as well.

i rattle canned my bay so i'm not sure if it is compatible with a spray application. it might be better to use their primer if that's the case.
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