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My se-r used to do that changed the clutch cable and it still did it went to autozone in the help aisle and bought a sping put one end on the clutch arm on the tranny where the clutch cable attaches and put the other end on the radiator support and problem solved I paid 3.99 for the spring so whenever I buy other SE-R's (currently on my seventh) this is the first mod I do lol
Bump from hell but I finally had a problem where it was sticking to the floor each time so I went to Autozone. I did the way you said like this but it didn't work with the spring that you pictured, I used one probably 2 sizes bigger (I bought the one for 5.99 that comes with ~6 springs) So I try my clutch and it still didn't work.... Well What I ended up doing was leaving that spring on there AND putting a spring on the clutch pedal from a little hole by one of the switches to a metal bracket under the dash... So far so good, works perfect
Btw I bumped this because I had this problem and this is one of the first threads that came up, so for everyone to know when they look at this thread, here it is lol