So today I was driving my 200sx and took off from a stop sign and noticed my car was louder than normal (normal = intake is louder than exhaust) so at lunch I inspect my car and notice the back of the muffler came apart from the piping =\ now I need to weld it back on and hope for the best 
Oh by the way, its a magnaflow muffler
Something similar happened with my sentra except it exploded (http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/34473-muffler-exploded-pics.html)

Oh by the way, its a magnaflow muffler
Something similar happened with my sentra except it exploded (http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/34473-muffler-exploded-pics.html)
Last edited by 92SentraSE-R
on 2011-09-28
at 08-40-58.