Does anyone still have the vacuum line diagram from the old site used in the EGR delete? I've been digging but every promissing page has busted images or is an invalid link...
It was basically the EGR delete only. The one I'm thinking of had good pics of the engine bay as well as really straight forward diagrams of the system with the EGR in place and what parts to remove and add to delete the egr stuff. It was the best write up on the whole egr delete I found. I think it even had a parts list. It was in the Turbo section of the old site and I referenced it in a few posts but never managed to link it. It should have been stickied, or at least in the Tech library.
Join Date: 2007-12-13 Location: Athens, Ohio, United States Posts: 814 Trader Score: 11 (100%)
I did that vacuum line EGR delete as well, it worked well. I was always curious (but did it anyways...), but that was intended to be used even if you weren't running a turbo, right?
I'd assume that the delete is the same with or without the turbo right? You'd still have to attach/reconnect the same vacuum lines to where they need to go regardless right? anyone do a EGR delete doing something different than this?