Originally Posted by SE-Rican
Shawn with the latches you are talking about I thinks it's safe to say that th OEM latch would not be needed. Keep in mind when you release the OEM latch the hood pops up. With the pins you are thinking about they pretty much work the same way. What I am getting at is that they may fight eachother.
Shawn with the latches you are talking about I thinks it's safe to say that th OEM latch would not be needed. Keep in mind when you release the OEM latch the hood pops up. With the pins you are thinking about they pretty much work the same way. What I am getting at is that they may fight eachother.
This is what I was thinking.Maybe the aerocatches are binding up when you pop the hood.I would try to remove the center latch and try it and see.
You obviously dont need the center one anymore.