So this problem started happening a week or so ago and happens now almost everytime i go to drive it. After about 5-10 mins I will try to start off in first gear and it will just rev from about 1000 to 1500 rpms even if it is full throttle. I turn the car off then back on and then its perfectly fine like nothing happened. I am running a bluebird with a top mount and i know its not heat soak because I turn it off then back on and its fine. It is not throwing a code or anything but its definitely getting annoying since its my daily. And also today on the freeway home from work i was on the offramp at 4000 in third and all of the sudden no power and the rpms kept dropping no matter how much throttle i gave it and when i turned it off and back on it was fine. Other than this is runs really smooth and pulls through all gears. Could my ecu be going bad? or maybe tps? Thanks guys.