Clutch pedal question
My pedal has had to be pushed down almost to the floor since ive had the car to get it to start. Well ive noticed more recent that you have to put it in teh carpet to get it to fire up. The clutch in it still grabs very well. its a ACT. Dont know about what stage or anything but it was put in when i bought the car. I have putting about 9k very easy miles on the car. My question i dont think its a clutch issue that it goes to the floor. It only does it on start up you dont have to push it way down to shift gears. Any suggestions to get it off the floor a bit? Is there some kind of adjustment i can do to the cable itself? And for the hell of it can i overide that whole pushing the clutch in to start it ? I did it to a corolla i had once before. I did search for about 30 mins i dont ask unless i do. Way to much tranny clutch info to search TYIA!