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Benson's sleeves register at the deck and the bottom and I havent had good results. Stratton, who is your guy? I am so wary of the whole thing since I have been burned. I also think that road racing and pro drifting is much harder on things than street use and drag racing except at very high levels. Derm have you had any luck with road racing and long duration at WOT event sleeved blocks?
Mike Yes. We do circuits racing here in South Africa. And ever since I install them the "oven way" I didnt had any problems!!
To come back to your K24 making 280hp no problem day in and day out. I build one for a friend mine and yes, it is easy power BUT its not cheap, On the other hand I build a sr24ve, And is only making 20hp less. The biggest diffs being the k25 has a compression of 13.7 to 1 and run on Methanol and the sr has 12.5 to1 and run on 95!!
The k24 uses custom itb with injectors infront of the itb and the sr just the ones in the itb's
So yes I dont think sr20ve head design is so much "worse" than the K20A head!!!