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So in addition to the cable snapping, I found broken black plastic pieces and it looks like it might be the piece in the firewall hole? Good news or bad news?
Sorry to tell you...but probably bad news
If it's the piece I'm thinking of, that's the piece that holds the clutch cable between the firewall and inside of the car. As long as it's totally not broken you may be able to still get home or you can try and just place it back up there.
Taking the clutch cable off should be an easy job. Get down low, put your arm under there and feel around the clutch pedal. Get really to the top of the clutch pedal. You should feel a hook. You need to unlatch the clutch cable from that hook. It's a lot easier w/the cable already off the clutch arm in the engine bay and as your cable snapped this should be the case. Installation is reverse of removal.