Don't know if anyone has ever done this before, but I did it earlier. Came out cleaner than I thought it would. I had to do some pretty major trimming on the brackets for the strut towers, and redrill. I only used the two bolts closer to the front, and its pretty stable. I had to remove the throttle cable clip that's tack welded to the passenger strut tower, and relocate the lil oval clip that holds it to the intake mani a lil farther back. I have a lowport in my NX, and was worried it would hit the TB and TPS, but it sits about 0.25" above. I would suggest this for those who can do a lil fabbing with ease. That's if you get an S13 STB for free or cheap. A buddy gave me an old one he had laying around just to see if I could do it, lol. It only took a Dremel(with about 5 cutoff disks, and a mass metal removal bit), a drill, and about 1.5-2 hours of my time. I know these can be had for fairly cheap for our B13s, but when cash is tight, or not if your cheap anyway, a lil imagination can go a long way. I'll post some daytime pics tomorrow. The only thing I have left to do is respray the brackets where I cut them.