Wayne,I used some screw caps I found laying around,and a big#3 phillips head screw(one like the size that goes on the kickpanel,or in the oh shit grabhandles,they are slightly biger than the regular dash screws,but need to be long enough to get throught the plate and frame)...or get some stainless ones from ACE.Anything the right diameter will thread in the plastic,but coarser thread will hold better.
All of these parts came from a partout.I like to keep all the little plastic stuff for things like this.
The screw will self tap in that plastic
Please tell me you have more.... because that just looks soooo freaking clean. Hit me up if you do...
LMAO..... never mind.... don't ever talk to me again! LMAO... Jackass. Even tho that was good.... I have to show the wife that but I know she will disagree. She don't have a back ground pic of me on her phone for nothing bitch.