OK so as you guys know, with fwd cars and alot of power you have to kind of stay on the rev limiter to get going. Most of you guys know what I mean. My Issues is that when the Rev limiter kicks in and If Im waiting from my speed to catch up to my spin. After being on it for a few sometimes the motor will bog (Im guessing from to much fuel). But I dont want to lean it out a lil unless I can. Is it safe to lean out out on the rev limiter since Im not getting that much spark there anyway?
Has anyone had this issue before? Fuel cut is 7950 or whatever the hell JWT sets it at when they up the rev limit. And my soft touch rev limit is at 7600. Any opinions?
My A/F ratios at rev limit are bouncing around from 12-15. I know this rev limiter works by cutting spark to a cylindar or two at a time. But when it gets back to sparking that cylinder if I lean it out itll run lean at 7600rpm which is no good. Not trying to blow anything up!
Has anyone had this issue before? Fuel cut is 7950 or whatever the hell JWT sets it at when they up the rev limit. And my soft touch rev limit is at 7600. Any opinions?
My A/F ratios at rev limit are bouncing around from 12-15. I know this rev limiter works by cutting spark to a cylindar or two at a time. But when it gets back to sparking that cylinder if I lean it out itll run lean at 7600rpm which is no good. Not trying to blow anything up!