I have seen the mazda guys using this stuff I am definatley going to pick up a can of that. It look like it worked great. I also heard the mitsubishi dealer has a brand that also works awsome. Anyone work for mitsubishi?
Originally Posted by
Conklin rustbomb rust bomb. It's the shit.
Where can I get this product?
Originally Posted by
depends what you're using it on. PB is great for rust but since it's petroleum-based you dont want it anywhere near rubber. Rubber components you want to use a water based lubricant like WD-40 (hence the WD).
Very interesting I didn't know that.
Originally Posted by
pb blaster.....ever read the can?
spray 1 inch of pb blaster into a faom cup and in another cup spray 1 inch of "the other guy" and watch waht happens......idkIt also makes great fire balls when heated up with a torch....perfect if your low on heating oil and need a alternate heating source......
Originally Posted by
PB blaster has more detergents and seems to eat rust better,
I dont use wd-40 for anything but metal cutting, threading, and/ or parts assembly,
I use jig-a-loo to kill ants (seriously it works) I have used it for everything I would rate it one step below pb blaster as a penitrant spray, there is not one thing you can't use it for (well don't eat it or breathe it) , it contains methylene chloride the banned industrial solvent, that stuff messes you up if you breathe the fumes in
That's why I don't want to use it anymore it smells like shit, I don't want it on my cloths anymore or want it touching my skin either....why can't they make a penitrant spray that smells like strawberries.......Wait a minute...that might be a bad idea......hmmmm.