Zero compression....
So I bought a DET from a friend of mine. Was told it had 10k on a rebuild and it ran.It has cometic HG, ARP studs and fresh beaings. Installed it into my car and started it. It was only running on 3 cylinders. Hooked up my scan tool and did a power balance test. Found #4 was not firing. Pulled the plugs and sure enough the plug looked brand new. Checked injectors and spark and they are good. Did a compression test and it showed (from 1-4) 155-154-152-0. Hooked up my leak down tester and checked for leaks and all the air was coming from the breather. Thinking the only way that could happen was a hole in the piston. Pulled the head and the piston VISIBLY looks good. There are no holes or cracks or anything. The only thing I can see on the piston as far as markings that shouldnt be there are what appear to be 2 small marks that look like that both valves some how hit, they are very very slight marks. Even with cracked rings, it should be giving SOME compression, and there is none.
Anyone have any ideas?
Anyone have any ideas?