I have an issue here. A few weeks ago I blew my clutch and it took out my pressure plate and flywheel. So I now bought a jim wolf flywheel and pressure plate with an act clutch 6 puck. I have the full thing installed and put my vehicle on the ground, started it, it started up fine. Then went to put the vehicle into gear. And nothing no matter how hard I try I couldn't get the car into gear. Now when I installed the new items and had everything hooked up, and went to put the clutch cable (new) onto the bracket the cable all the way tight still had play.. the transmission arm has a lot of play in it. It seems excessive. So I called a few of my buddies and they told me that with aftermarket parts like that it is possible that I might need to put a spacer at the back of the bracket between the cable. After the spacer was put in the pedal felt perfect but there is still the same issue.
Please I need help. Any ideas.
Please I need help. Any ideas.