Originally Posted by
lynchfourtwenty side by side the two stacks are identical, although i do believe the new stack is from a b13 lsd box?
I understand that they look the same but unless you mic. them you will see that some gears are bigger than others.
The problem you are having is that you have two gears that are of similar size and it's causeing the stack to spread apart so the top of the input shaft stack is not going into it's place in the top case.
you have mismatching stacks not bearings.
Just to put more truth to it.
I bet that when you put the caseing over the other, the bellhousing casing has two
alignment pins one is located near the
speedo area and the other
near the plug where you add oil, they are across from eachother.
O.k. now when you put the top casing on the alignment pin(located to the rear of the tranny near the speedo) and the top casing hole match up but the one towards the front is still about half inch off.
The gear stack are spread apart due to mismatching gears.
I hope this helped and not confused you.