stock sr20ve no tune nuttin special second tranny jus to eliminate that outta the problem and the third brand of clutch sprung and solid hub ive tried. i guess this is gonna just happen when i always race the car and daily drive it.
Originally Posted by Will damn, 3rd one? how much torque you making?
yes this is my 3rd act clutch not to mention the other 3 brands ive tried sprung and solid hub. i have as much torque as a stock 20ve should have and when i launch i preload to try and prevent such mishaps
Originally Posted by 92SentraSE-R What clutch brands have you tried?
clutchmasters originally cause i bought there kit act, spec, oem brand, and exsedy (nevermind the spelling) i have also recently purchased a fidanzd flywheel to help and my output shaft is looking good the splines arent worn or thined out.
my next option is gonna be a bit pricey but im gonna do B15 tranny and a twin disc!!!!!! or jus get another daily driver scince im havin a kid anyway lol