I'm surprised Kojima hasn't said anything about function over form.
actually, i asked mike about the idea of doing it because i saw that he had put the brembo HUGEbk on his evo. then he immediately offered his to me and thought it would be a really neat idea.
You want a engineering challenge do you. WOrk on our weaksauce b13 trannies. Make it so they can hold up to turbo boost. Now thats a challenge
i have the solution for you! it's called the p11/b15 tranny
Don't take this as a downer man. Your car , your brakes, your money. If you get it done it will definitely be a cool thing. As I look at things though. I'd want a definite improvement if I'm gonna do something.
absolutely did not take this as a downer. i really appreciate your input. i'm 18 and i need argument and advocacy in one way or another to keep me in line
How much money do you estimate its gonna take to engineer the brackets your gonna need? ALso you gotta make sure they are gonna be safe. You don't wanna lose your brakes. They are one of the most important things on a car. If it was me I'd use the money toward track time. I know you have the race car.
i don't think it would take too much to engineer. provided it could be fitted without any drastic measures, i would most likely use the fastbrakes bracket for my base measurements and design something on solid works for the right dimensions after that, then send it to a machine shop to have it made. i would anticipate the first set and MAYBE the second would be off just a tad so the cost would lie in having to redo it.
you all have contributed greatly to the clutter in my head (not in a bad way) and once i sort it out, i will let you guys know whether i decided to go forward with it or not.