ok heres the situation.
had a new clutch put in its not far past the oem clutches just a rhinopack
buttt now that its in an the cars all back togather when your drivingeverythings fine but if it trys to idle at all it drops down to bout 500r's and dies after about 7 seconds.
but heres the kicker unplug the MAF and it idles fine at 1 1/2 R's
but wait, theres more. turn it off and the oil,brake(ofcours duh but shouldnt be on after its off) and battery light is on when the ignition is off...but when you drive they go off at about 10 -15 mph
so im figured we missed a ground somewhere ani have no idea with the ignition. it ran fine except for the clutch before i got it replaced...
i just need some input guys...experiance helps and you guys are the ones who have it...well im gonna go search the forum more for MAF probs...thanks.
had a new clutch put in its not far past the oem clutches just a rhinopack
buttt now that its in an the cars all back togather when your drivingeverythings fine but if it trys to idle at all it drops down to bout 500r's and dies after about 7 seconds.
but heres the kicker unplug the MAF and it idles fine at 1 1/2 R's
but wait, theres more. turn it off and the oil,brake(ofcours duh but shouldnt be on after its off) and battery light is on when the ignition is off...but when you drive they go off at about 10 -15 mph
so im figured we missed a ground somewhere ani have no idea with the ignition. it ran fine except for the clutch before i got it replaced...
i just need some input guys...experiance helps and you guys are the ones who have it...well im gonna go search the forum more for MAF probs...thanks.