i would like to know if anybody know why the car his not goin on gear when the car is on .but when car is off it shift nice it when the car on i push the clutch pedal and hear the flywheel grindin. some body please help.
That was hard to read, it sounds like the clutch needs to be replaced to me, probably the throwout bearing same problem I had
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Clutch issue. Whether it's the disc, pressure plate, or TOB, it's the same procedure anyway. Drop the tranny and see what's going on. The issue should be obvious once you get in there and take the clutch off.
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Mutineer:"Would anyone else like to confuse freedom with treason?" Tom Servo:"I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."
Oh dear god, ignore everything above until you check the clutch cable. Also check the clutch actuator arm to make sure it hasn't sheared apart. Always, always start with the easiest thing and move down the list.
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Originally Posted by Speculative Oh dear god, ignore everything above until you check the clutch cable. Also check the clutch actuator arm to make sure it hasn't sheared apart. Always, always start with the easiest thing and move down the list.
Good point. I keep assuming people I talk to check those retarded simple things first, but it definitely bears mentioning.
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Mutineer:"Would anyone else like to confuse freedom with treason?" Tom Servo:"I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."
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You need to push the clutch in. Hahahah. But seriously if it is grinding then the pressure plate isn't releasing the clutch all the way. Try tightening the clutch cable a little which should make it disengage earlier as you press down on the clutch pedal and that should make the pressure plate fully disengage. It could be something as simple as that. It really doesn't matter that it shifts through the gears when it's off because nothing is moving. If that doesn't fix it then there is definitely something wrong internally and you will have to drop the transmission.