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Thread: Feel engine twisting/torquing in mounts???

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2010-12-26 18:31:14
Feel engine twisting/torquing in mounts???
I have a 91 b13 with a t28 kit and a full set of prothane mounts. Car also has an ACT unprung 6 puck that was installed before I bought the car, symptoms I'm having are: Sometimes, not all the time, just occasionally I can feel the engine "twisting/torquing in the mounts" now I've read of some people having issues with the mounts being sloppy in the mount locations (loose when pressed in) this was not an issue wth mine and they are all in there snug and tight.

Question is, is this caused by the harsh engagement of the unsprung 6 puck or should I be looking in another direction for the cause of this annoyance?

The clutch will be replaced as soon as it warms up a little outside, new one has been priced and is awaiting my CC number with Mr. Greg at Gspec.

Thank you in advance for any advice or ideas as to what could be causing this.
2010-12-26 18:34:08
Also one more question, I've read several diff. people say that redline shockproof is the stuff to use in the b13 tranny. When searching the innanets I have found it reasonably priced at Summit, just wondering what weight to use as they have several??
2010-12-26 23:35:55
Bump, anyone have an idea at least?
2010-12-27 01:49:44
That engine shouldn't move with prothanes, all my previous cars that have had prothanes

never had a problem, not once, never. So if you know FOR SURE that the engine is still

moving from torque, you need to go back and check all of the mount bolts and make sure

that the mounts are actually mounted... The cutch could cause this "harsh feeling" but

once it's engaged and you floor it and you still "feel" the engine move than its the


2010-12-27 02:30:32
"The cutch could cause this "harsh feeling" but

once it's engaged and you floor it and you still "feel" the engine move than its the


I appologize, I should have been more thurough in my description of my problem. It does this upon releasing my clutch, I've yet to feel it when just cruising in gear and flooring it.

I'm starting to really lean towards it being caused by the clutch. Thank you for responding and I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Also, I've dbl and triple chk'd the mounts and all the mounting hardware as well.
2010-12-27 03:17:02
Definitely due to an unsprung hub clutch disc. That's a pretty harsh clutch disc to run in a b13 trans. You'll want a mixture of shockproof heavy and mt90 during winter months. I'd run 1/2 each during winter, and straight shockproof heavy in spring/summer.
2010-12-27 03:18:37
Oh yeah, and remember that solid mounts transfer all vibration into the chassis, so you're feeling all kinds of stuff you normally wouldn't notice.
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