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Thread: sr20-forum plate holder

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2011-01-12 17:02:15
2.inspired b13...2(paid) 2 in about a week!
5.cesar D... 2
12.bluesteelsr20...2....money order on the way
14.wayne... 2
16.Twomissanman...1....haha but you have Two Nissans....man.LOL
19.p-diddie...1 ??
21.Tommy SR20...1
24.305 serboi...2
27.Big Ben...2
Others showing interest...maybe waiting on pics?
2011-01-12 17:29:29
Originally Posted by ny5speed
Payment sent!
Got you added,thanks.

Originally Posted by inspiredB13
i was down for 4 frames but my throw out bearing snaped so i ordered them n im flat broke! i can only afford 2 for now =[ i can get the other two when im back up on my feet. but hey i said it take frames so must keep my word even if it wasnt all 4 like my 1st intentions payment on its way!!!

I understand.Its the joy of owning old cars,lol.
I got you down for 2 for now.You got a couple weeks to get 2 more at this price before the first batch ships out.

You have got us to the 40 needed from what I see!!!
Woo hoo.here we go!!

Again,keep in mind the super low price is good until I am ready to ship these first ones out,so dont be shy just because we got to 40.It will be less for me to cover out of pocket.
Thanks everyone for supporting this,and to "blood" for starting this thread...
he has not chimed in since the beginning,but I hope to send him one too.
2011-01-12 17:31:17
5 per frame.2 bucks for the first one and 1 each additional to ship.
Bold are paid

2.inspired b13...2 possibly 2 more before shipment
5.cesar D... 2
12.bluesteelsr20...2....money order on the way
14.wayne... 2
16.Twomissanman...1....haha but you have Two Nissans....man.LOL
19.p-diddie...1 ??
21.Tommy SR20...1
24.305 serboi...2
27.Big Ben...2
Others showing interest...maybe waiting on pics?


The prices WILL go up after this first buy.If you are waiting for others to fill the first 40,you may want to think twice.They wont be expensive but probably more like 10 bucks with shipping each .
I am doing this real cheap for the first group,in fact I will probably lose on the shipping.Bubble mailers cost more than a buck.My plan was to make one trip to the post office and ship these all at once.Whatever it costs,its on me.I hope I will at least come close to breaking even.
I am offering this price based on the fact that I am shipping all at once..Anyone who pays before I ship the first batch will get this price.After that,I will have to see what the actual shipping will be.Everytime someone orders one after the first group,I will have to go to the Post Office.I dont have the ability to just"drop it off in my shipping dept" like some others can.I have to actually pack these up and take them to be shipped.

So,yeah,this will be a little work for me,but I cant wait to see some pics in our members rides with the frames on.
Moved from the previous page....we are good to go!!
2011-01-12 17:47:14
I'd take a pair of the for sure! maybe even 4, just to have in case one gets fugly or breaks. Especially if the price is right.
2011-01-12 17:51:55
Originally Posted by eggman

Here is what I am thinking.
Option 1
TOP...."the dash",and BOTTOM sr20-forum.com

I haven't chimed in on design yet but I like option 1
2011-01-12 17:59:52
Originally Posted by PhorB13
I'd take a pair of the for sure! maybe even 4, just to have in case one gets fugly or breaks. Especially if the price is right.

The price is already right.It will go up after the initial buy,so get yours now.
Prices are listed here multiple times.
Originally Posted by ny5speed
I haven't chimed in on design yet but I like option 1

Well,I submitted 2 options yesterday.That one was not chosen,but the opposite.
The dash will be on the bottom.sr20-forum across the top.

....from an earlier post.
I submitted 2 options late today to see what they will look like.
LLprad also provided artwork for the logo.I forwarded that to the framemakers.Hopefully they will get it to look right.
Option 1 .....TOP will say an sr20 community for enthusiasts
BOTTOM will say sr20-forum.com
Option 2......TOP will say sr20-forum.com
BOTTOM will say "The Dash"
I like having the quotes on "the dash",I think it looks better.
Also,I have puposely left the www. out of the sr20-forum.com because I think that is obvious.
2011-01-12 18:36:10
Just now checking this thread out. I zoomed through it real quick, but is there a pic somewhere?
2011-01-12 18:41:11
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DET
Just now checking this thread out. I zoomed through it real quick, but is there a pic somewhere?

I have no pics yet.I will post pics when I get the proofs from the manufacturer.
You want a few,I can just tell.
2011-01-12 20:06:43
Ill probably get 2 but I don't know when I can get to a computer, unless android has an app for paypal, I guess I'll see at work tonight
2011-01-12 20:26:15
Yes they do have an app for paypal, I use it quite often on my mine.
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