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Thread: sr20-forum plate holder

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2011-01-08 13:56:23
Out of the woodworks with payment sent for two (2). Thanks
2011-01-08 15:58:31
Originally Posted by Cesar
Give me till payday thats on the 10th!

No problem

Originally Posted by SE-Rtainlyb13
Put me down for 2. I'd like to see the pictures first, even though i can't really go wrong for this price.


I should have proofs up next week if you want to wait,its up to you.
I will add you to the list for now,as unpaid.
Originally Posted by rustbucket
Out of the woodworks with payment sent for two (2). Thanks

I have received your payment,and added you.Thanks for the little extra,too!!

Bold are paid
Please feel free to copy/paste and add yourself if I missed you

2.inspired b13...4
5.cesarD...1 or 2
14.wayne... 2
16.Twomissanman...1....haha but you have Two Nissans....man.LOL
19.p-diddie...1 ??
21.Tommy SR20...1
24.305 serboi...2
27.Big Ben...2
Others showing interest...maybe waiting on pics?

As soon as I have the first 40 frames payed we can get this done.WOOHOO!!!
2011-01-08 16:06:28
10 more....pay up!!!!
2011-01-08 18:00:44
Wow, response has been really good for this, so far!
2011-01-09 05:12:36
Originally Posted by Joekuh
10 more....pay up!!!!

fixed...beto paid
Originally Posted by llaprad1
Wow, response has been really good for this, so far!

Yeah,its been real good so far.I am excited.
Hey,did you get my email?
I still want to get that artwork from you if possible.
2011-01-09 18:11:33
Originally Posted by eggman
fixed...beto paid

Yeah,its been real good so far.I am excited.
Hey,did you get my email?
I still want to get that artwork from you if possible.

hey how much would it be for total of 6 frame's shipped?
is it possible to get option 2 revesed? If so i might buy more.
2011-01-09 19:09:01
Any pics of the design?
2011-01-09 20:09:22
Originally Posted by 94SunnyGTSsr20ve
hey how much would it be for total of 6 frame's shipped?
is it possible to get option 2 revesed? If so i might buy more.

37.00 for 6 shipped.
We have not made a final decision on which design yet.There will only be one style,but we can see what a couple different will look like.
Originally Posted by RobSE
Any pics of the design?

Not yet...
After I/we choose a design,I will post a pic of the proof.
My plan was to choose a design after the first 40 are prepaid,to see what the first to pay prefer.
So far it looks like option 3 seems most popular.
2011-01-09 20:43:22
Originally Posted by eggman
37.00 for 6 shipped.
So far it looks like option 3 seems most popular.

agreed here,, but I really don't care what design we get just as long I get mine
2011-01-12 02:25:12
Originally Posted by Tearoffguy
agreed here,, but I really don't care what design we get just as long I get mine

Got you covered.

I submitted 2 options late today to see what they will look like.
LLprad also provided artwork for the logo.I forwarded that to the framemakers.Hopefully they will get it to look right.
Option 1 .....TOP will say an sr20 community for enthusiasts
BOTTOM will say sr20-forum.com
Option 2......TOP will say sr20-forum.com
BOTTOM will say "The Dash"
I like having the quotes on "the dash",I think it looks better.
Also,I have puposely left the www. out of the sr20-forum.com because I think that is obvious.

Now I m just waiting to get some proofs back.Then its time for me to pay up.That is after the first 40 are prepaid.
We re doing real good but still over 10 frames shy at this point.
Hopefully the rest of the people who originally posted up will jump in soon.
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