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Thread: sr20-forum plate holder

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2011-01-05 21:50:09
Option 3
2011-01-05 21:50:29
I like 3... kinda funny with the dash..lol
2011-01-05 22:00:36
Originally Posted by eggman
Update...I talked to the supplier,and I have talked them into doing 3 proofs for us to decide on.
We can have writing on the top and bottom of the frames.
They will be black with white letters.I was gonna paint my "dash" red,or use a sharpie.

Here is what I am thinking.
Option 1
TOP...."the dash",and BOTTOM sr20-forum.com

Option 2
TOP sr20-forum.com,BOTTOM an sr20 community for enthusiasts

Option 3...Reversed option 1

Please post up your opinions preferences.As soon as I have the 3 options,we will have proofs in a day or two.

edit: you forgot the dash there bud. but I added it for ya.
2011-01-05 22:02:56
Doh...fixed my post too.LOL
I would not forget the dash...we dont want to advertise that old place.hehe
2011-01-05 22:07:07
j/w but will all that actually fit (from option 2 or 3)? seems like a lot or would it be tiny?
2011-01-05 22:16:27
The sr20 community for enthusiasts would be real small for sure but the others will be fine.
2011-01-06 06:21:35
Originally Posted by eggman
Update...I talked to the supplier,and I have talked them into doing 3 proofs for us to decide on.
We can have writing on the top and bottom of the frames.
They will be black with white letters.I was gonna paint my "dash" red,or use a sharpie.

Here is what I am thinking.
Option 1
TOP...."the dash",and BOTTOM sr20-forum.com

Option 2
TOP sr20-forum.com,BOTTOM an sr20 community for enthusiasts

Option 3...Reversed option 1

Please post up your opinions preferences.As soon as I have the 3 options,we will have proofs in a day or two.

I like #2 but reversed and sr20-forum.com across the hole bottom plate.. i think that will look badd azzz.
2011-01-06 06:23:42
I'm in !!
2011-01-06 06:48:58
I like #2 but with sr20-forum on the bottom tho!
2011-01-06 17:25:57
Keep in mind we can see a proof of up to 3 different ways to see what they actually look like before they are made.
I am curious to see how good they can duplicate the logo.The font seems simple enough to match.
Not sure why but it seems like the sr20-forum should be on the bottom no matter what,but thats my opinion.
My Vote is actually for #1,but I will be happy with any of them.
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