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Thread: sr20-forum plate holder

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2010-12-09 18:52:45
add 2 for me too.
2010-12-09 19:18:45
I'd be down for 3.
2010-12-09 19:44:07
2 here
2010-12-09 20:46:03
Originally Posted by eggman
Havent gotten to that level yet.I wanted to test the waters first....so far it looks like there will be a good amount of interest.
I am not sure If I have to do a group buy,if I am paying for these myself.I would be the one taking all the risk and sitting on 200+ frames to sell for a while.
I have sent a PM to Cliff to let him know what I would like to do.
I have also talked with a local company about pricing and other details.I think we could have this done before Christmas if everything goes smoothly.

I like this Idea,The dash on top and the sr20-forum below.
I guess when we get closer we will need to vote or something.

If Crim gives you the okay, why not put the "sr20-forum" logo/letter that's on the top left corner of the page on the bottom of the plate holder & on top put either "the dash" or the quote above the sr20-forum logo! Kinda, sort of like g20.net's plater holder.

Like I said, I'm down for 1 but if they come out badass then I'll take 2.
2010-12-09 21:08:12
im down for 2 if they look good
2010-12-09 21:17:51
Originally Posted by blo0d
well I started the damn thread!!! put me down for 2, I will ask my friends out here too Thor, NiZmo what u guys say?

Aren't you guys outside the US???

Originally Posted by BurtonNX2000
I'd buy 2 as long as they arent ugly or have gangstaRR font.

I think it would be cool if they said 'the dash' on the top and 'sr20-forum.com' on the bottom. Just throwing an idea out there. I'd assume they are more expensive with font on the top and bottom though.

Originally Posted by Cesar
If Crim gives you the okay, why not put the "sr20-forum" logo/letter that's on the top left corner of the page on the bottom of the plate holder & on top put either "the dash" or the quote above the sr20-forum logo! Kinda, sort of like g20.net's plater holder.

Like I said, I'm down for 1 but if they come out badass then I'll take 2.

Looks like we all are on the same page.
It is the same price to have the top and bottom letters,from what the rep told me.
2010-12-09 21:31:27
Originally Posted by Cesar
If Crim gives you the okay, why not put the "sr20-forum" logo/letter that's on the top left corner of the page on the bottom of the plate holder & on top put either "the dash" or the quote above the sr20-forum logo! Kinda, sort of like g20.net's plater holder.

i like the sounds of his plate idea i think that would set it off!!!!
2010-12-09 21:37:32
I am keeping tab,and based on the posts so far we are up to 28 frames presold!!
IF everyone can actually follow through.
Its a cheap item,so I dont see why not.
2010-12-09 21:42:15
seems like its going to be a good christmas
2010-12-09 23:26:58
Put me down for 2
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